Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dream in March-April 2007

Well pertaining the earlier post, i would like to share what happened somewhere back in 2007. Our family planned a visit to see Swami. So all excited...i was not too sure cause i didn't get any call. Worried with mix feelings. Then one of the nights i had this dream.... (at that time i didn't own any house). It was in a house, a little away from the mainstreet, Swami came with somebody (man) wearing all white. I was hiding from an inner room an watching Him. No idea why i was hiding. Then Swami sat on a rocking chair and He was reading a reading material. I took this chance, and sowly crept to Him and touched His feet. Again, i did the same thing the same way and the third time...i did...lo behold...his toes doubled. They seemed to split into two...i was shocked. And all while along the act, Swami did not look at me. Afte that dream, i realized that Swami may not entertain me when i see was quite true...i just saw His eyes looking at me (am not sure if He looked behind me) but never entertained...but by the end of 2007, i was pregnant. So i was wondering if that dream actually told me that i was going to get pregnant (when His toes split into two)......way before that dream....i had another dream, where i was in a house and heard waiting for Swami's arrival...i was upstairs....Suddenly youthful Swami (young and in gurta) appeared infront of me (lavitating in the thin air)...He was smiling at me (could still remember that scene)...He was like stopping me from going to see His physical body...but i brushed that appearance and rushed downstairs....Swami came...old and fragile...He looked so serious, bent....then suddenly when i saw His hand-fingers...i was asking Him have gone so old...the dream ended was as though Swami was telling me...that you will see me more in visions...don't go after His physical...dream looks real but during real it sounds unreal....but experience becomes dream after that moment...looks like both are dreams that you will never understand..........

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